Bespoke Training Workshops

CareFully teaches practical approaches to patient-centred compassionate care, to inspire and empower healthcare professionals to improve the quality of care they deliver. It all begins with compassionate communication, the cornerstone of genuineness, warmth, and empathy - all of which are essential for delivering high quality care.

CareFully Bespoke Training Workshops
  • Engaging training to improve soft skills such as compassionate communication

  • Interactive training using real-life case studies to provide a genuine patient voice 

  • Professional actors used to create realistic role-play scenarios

  • Customer service skill training

  • Building self-awareness of the effect of one’s own behaviours, and the broader impact of behaviours and communication styles

  • Fostering curiosity and empathy towards patients

  • Strategies to mitigate pressure and barriers to compassionate care

  • Discussion sessions around personal experiences, and how to shift perspective to improve outcomes

  • Customised to fit your needs, CareFully workshops can be a half, full or multi day programs

She tells her stories with honesty and vulnerability which touch at your heart; I don’t think there was a dry eye in the room at the end of her presentation! Thank you Caitlin for sharing your story to better understand what patient centred care looks like from the patient perspective.
— Jacqui Blackshaw, RN